Sign in to using your Gmail ID.

Provide a name for your blog. Always better to include your keywords in your blog name,keep it short as possible and attractive.
Type a blog url including your long keywords like 'learn-blogging-the-easy-way'. Pick the right url related to your topic. Select whether it is available or not.
Then click continue.

Wow.. Your blog is created and you can start blogging.

Create a new post.
First create a About Me post. Give a nice introduction about yourself in your own style.
Second create a Contact Me post and provide your email id.
Third create a Privacy Policy post. Check out other privacy policy pages and include some lines.
Now start creating your own topics of interest. Always provide a good title, think what people will search in google about that topic.
Make your sentences short and interesting. Always try to be personal. After a good 400 to 500 words of post, type some labels for your post. This is very important because search engines uses these labels to find your blog while search. Provide good 5 to 7 keywords related to your post.
Check out the toolbar in the post window. Use that to add images and format your post.
Always use a check spelling available in the tool bar.
After all these done correctly click publish.
View your blog in a new window and save your blog url.

Try to get used with the blogger interface. Click on Add Gadget and you can see a wide range of gadgets available to you. Don't overload them, use wisely.
You can subscribe to my feeds, so that you will receive emails when a new post is published.
Start blogging now.
Watch The Blogger Basics video On YouTube
Next Lesson-Make Money Blogging Lesson-3 Get Backlinks To Your Blog